Friday, August 3, 2012

NOT New Earbuds.. a New MP3 Player for My Walks

It turned out not to be my earbuds! It was my old reliable Sansa Fuze that failed. The one I have had for maybe five years, that is so old it has little teeth marks all over it from back when Petey was a puppy and used to steal and chew it.

Well, this was very sad. The pretty red (albeit chewed) Fuze was like an old friend. It accompanied me on countless miles of walking and all my bus rides to and from work, in the middle of blizzards and the heat of summer. RIP good ol' Fuze.

I really do need a music player of some kind, due to the terminal boredom that can set in during long walks, waits for the bus, and so on. I did some research to see what's available in MP3 players these days. Gotta be frugal, but frugal does not necessarily mean the lowest cost!

I gave up on Ipods a long time ago, when I discovered that for the cost of just replacing the Ipod battery, after only two years of use, I could buy a very nice Sansa MP3 player and have money left over! First I got a Sansa Clip - chewed to death by Petey. Then the Sansa Fuze - chewed, but survived, and the battery is still going strong, far outlasting my old Ipod. I briefly had another Clip, but dropped it in the dishwasher and it became history. The Sansa players, made by Sandisc, seem very tough and reliable - I'm the problem, and Petey too.

So I decided to get another Clip, and to spend a few more dollars for the new Clip Zip, at $37.99. It holds 4 gb (plenty for me),, with a micro SD card slot if I ever want to overload it. It is tiny, comparable to an Ipod Nano, and has that great strong little clip built in (hence the name). I decided on the newer Zip version because they have added a time display and a stopwatch timer. Sansas, including the clip, are easy to use and sync with Windows Media Player on the computer. The Clip takes a little practice to navigate, but once you learn the ropes it's quite easy.

The price I quoted is from Amazon. I checked my other go-to for electronics, Radio Shack, but they were $10 more! No wonder Radio Shack is not doing that well. With my Amazon Prime subscription I got free 2-day delivery, and as often happens, they actually gave me next-day delivery! (Maybe they do that when they are not too busy?)

Anyway, the new Clip is a huge success, and I've loaded up my walking music on one playlist and a recorded book (free from my library) on another, and I'm a happy walker again. I just need to remember to not clip the Clip above counter height when doing the dishes!

By the way... I often time my various walking routes, and in the last month and a half, I've cut five minutes off each. I'm walking faster, and I feel stronger. I've started doing some simple calisthenics and a few yoga stretches, too. No weights yet. But in addition to feeling stronger and having more energy, the plantar faciatiis in my right heel is pretty much in remission, if not completely healed. Yay!

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