Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Less is More

I see so many pretty flowers as I go for my daily walks. Spring is good to us, as usual. The flowering cherry trees and magnolias are fading, sunny yellow forsythia is hanging on, tulips are in full bloom, and trees have gone from bare, gray branches to feathery canopies of that particularly delightful pale spring green. But this year, my favorites of all have been the dandelions, poking their yellow heads out of the new green grass. They're everywhere!

I took this photo on Saturday in back of the local Lutheran church, which has an especially lush lawn and cheerful, abundant dandelions. It just makes me happy to look at them! The weeping cherry was spectacular, in all its pale pink bloom. But the dandelions, small and simple as they are, said "spring" to me more than any of the more impressive floral displays.

Sometimes... often... less is more. As a quote, this saying is attributed to Coco Chanel, the iconic French designer. The principle seems timeless and universal.
I think want to keep it in the forefront as I continue to redesign life - my routines, my surroundings, even my budget. I believe it is a true guide, to be seriously considered when making any changes, especially life changes.

Yesterday I wrote about consolidating my computer record-keeping and calendaring into a simple scheme that works together as a whole, and can be gotten to wherever an internet connection exists. I'm seeing how that has been a subconscious search for order and simplicity in the way I process and keep information. What can I apply this principle to next? Decluttering, definitely... 

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